Dean Nelson Pearson was born on March 5, 1931, at home in Mink Creek, Idaho.  He was born to Perry and Hannah Pearson, the eighth of nine children;  older siblings ---Carmen, Douglas, Cecil, Thora, Roy, Ray (twin of Roy who died shortly after birth), Thelma---and younger sister Colleen.  He was raised in a humble three-room home that was built by his father.

Dean started school  at the age of six in a little yellow schoolhouse in upper Mink Creek.

While Dean was in the tenth grade, his father passed away.  Two years later, Dean graduated from Preston High School in 1949 and started BYU that September. 

Dean was called to serve in the Southwest Indian LDS Mission, which was headquartered in Gallup, New Mexico.

Three months after returning from his mission in 1953, he was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. He served for two years, being sent first to Fort Ord, California, and then to Fort Benning, Georgia.


Dean returned to BYU following his honorable discharge where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in English Education and History.  He then continued at BYU and completed a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology and Psychology.

After his master's program, Dean was employed by the South Sanpete School District for two years, where he taught English and History and was the school counselor at Manti High School.

Dean again returned to BYU to obtain a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Psychology.  While working on this degree, he also had an assistantship teaching study skills classes.

On June 10, 1964, Dean married Rebecca Hawkes.

Dean finished his doctoral studies at BYU and then became employed as Director of Counseling at the College of Southern Utah (now SUU).  During this time, Dean represented Utah for three years as an ACT Corporation member, did ACT research, ran the testing program, and started the CLEP program. In the summer of 1966, he completed post-graduate studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. He finally finished his dissertation and was awarded a Ph.D. from BYU in 1973.

By this time, Dean was a father to four children --- Robert, Alan, Holly, and Janet--and would later add Suzanne, Mary Lynne, and Kristin.

In 1973, Dean resigned from the college and began working as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist for Southwest Utah Mental Health.  He served as chief psychologist for five counties.  His work included extensive involvement with schools and the juvenile court system in southwestern Utah.  He was the "Designated Examiner" for the Utah State Division of Mental Health and was chairman of the Peer Review Committee.  In the fall of 1984, he was a guest presenter in Chicago to share his paper on Dissociative Identity Disorder. He retired from Southwest Utah Mental Health in 2000.

Dean has always been very active in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He has had many callings including High Councilor, Bishopric Counselor, Bishop, and St. George Temple Ordinance Worker.

Dean is currently beloved husband of one; father/father-in-law of 14:  Robert & Mary C. Pearson, Alan & Mary B. Pearson, Holly & Steve Jolley, Janet & Brian Chamberlain, Suzanne & Lee Roundy, Mary Lynne & Nathan Miller, and Kristin & Preston Porter; and grandfather of 24--soon to be 26.

In addition to his family, church, and work responsibilities, on the side, he found time to develop interest and skills as a boat builder, rock layer, fisherman, cement worker, hunter, car-body repairman, harmonica player, dune buggy and home remodeler, carpenter, motorcyclist, shelf builder, architect, author, electrician, woodcutter, baker, mountain explorer, gardener, tile setter, all-around fix-it fellow, inventor (of unique wheat grinder, personalized solar heating system, etc.), traveler
and friend.


  1. Happy Birthday, Dean! We will never forget how you helped our family! - Love, The Aldrich Family

  2. Happy birthday! What a beautiful and wonderful family you have. I am so thankful for your kindness. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!

  3. You are so young for your age that it seems like you should only be turning 60, but then this blog reminds me of many of your accomplishments and if I didn't know better I would have to question, "You're only turning 80?" Thank you for always being there for me and for your endless selfless service not just in my life, but in the life of all those you encounter. Thanks for your love, fatherly wisdom, multifaceted support and for your shining example of hard work and creativity. I've always believed my Dad could do anything and everything....and he does. Happy Birthday to my Extraordinary Father! I love you, Dad!

  4. Hello Grandpa,
    You make the best homemade pizza! I wish I had some to eat right now. I like to pick beans in the garden with you and go for walks with you. I like it when you come visit me. I miss you!
    Love, Annie

  5. Uncle Dean, I remember one time, I don't remember the year, I think that I was in my teens, that you took your boat (the one you built) and went over to one of the lakes east of Preston. There your patients was tried in teaching me to water ski for the first time. That was a fun time. I don't remember who else was there but it was an enjoyable experience. I have always enjoyed our encounters at the Lodge in Mink Creek where we spent a lot of time fishing with You, Dad, Uncle Cecil, Uncle Roy & others on the Bear River up the Narrows. I remember one time when you rode your motorcycle up to the Lodge from Cedar City and you gave me a ride on the back of the bike. I don't remember the year it was but I believe that you had a red motorcyle. That may help to put a year on the event. Paul Harvey once described the sound of a motorcyle with one word. He said that if you said the word "potato" several times in a row, it sounded like an idling motorcycle. When he said that I thought of you and your motorcyle. You are such a kind and loving (Pearson) person. I have always enjoyed being around you. I hope that you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. What a great posterity you have. I enjoyed reading the Blog. What a great way to share you life. We hope to see you and your family this summer up at the Lodge. Again Best Wishes to you. Love, Steve & Joanne Pearson.

  6. I like you picking flowers for me in the garden. I like riding the four wheeler with you. I like you going to Disneyland with me. I want you to come to my house on your birthday. I loooovvvvve you! Happy Birthday,
    Love, Abigail

  7. Happy Birthday Mr. Pearson!

    I remember all those times you drove Janet out to violin lessons on your motorcycle. What a fun memory.

  8. Oh ya, one more thing....

    I love my Vets. So thank you for your service and the sacrifices you made during that time in your life.

    We'll add you to our list of Heros!

  9. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
    — Theodore Roosevelt
    Happy Birthday to a great man in the arena!

  10. Happy, happy birthday, Uncle Dean! You're a very young 80 years old. You are a wonderful man and a great uncle to me. Thanks for your good example and kindness to me and my family. I love, appreciate and admire you!

  11. Happy Birthday, Uncle Dean! I loved seeing all the pictures on your blog and reading about your remarkable life. Thanks for being such a great example. However, I am a little freaked out by that picture of you sitting on the edge of a cliff! What were you thinking? With Love, Katie Hawkes Christensen

  12. Hey Bishop Pearson!!
    Kristin let me know about this blog. Happy birthday and best wishes for future ones!! Still remember all the spiritual times in bishopric meeting :) Thanks for the inspiration and stellar example!

    Ron Larsen

  13. Happy Birthday Uncle Dean,
    You are always my crazy fun uncle. As a kid you were what we wanted to be like when we grew up (not to grow up). I remember your visits on your motorcycle to Mink Creek while I was visiting Grandma and rides in your boat on Bear Lake, and then my visits Cedar City. I hope you have a good 80th. With love and respect, Mark Montgomery

  14. Happy 80th birthday, big brother! You have always been a brother to be proud of. You have ben a great example to me and our entire family. I hope we can enjoy your presence for many years to come.

    I recall our trip with members of our family to Europe. We found out then that you were recognized by a Swede as a fellow countryman because of your "Swedish nose".

    Our trip to Yellowstone with you, our mother, Howard, and Natalie was a hoot. You traded a nice supply of turkey to be used for sandwiches for a can of maggots that you brought along for fishing bait.

    Your one-man band on a flat hayrack was the funniest act we've seen. Your tiny levis with beltline at your knees and your super-long shirt caused you to stumble as the float started suddenly, sending you scurring uncontrollably the length of the wagon and off the end.

    Your trip to the "Peeping Tom" Motel in central Utah to hunt elk with our boys was a great adventure. The Grand Staircase National park was interesting. Remember how we roughed it while the boys spent their nights in comfortable tents.

    We look forward with great anticipation to more times at the Hen House.

    We love you! Howard and Colleen

    Virtually every thought of you is pleasant.

  15. Happy 80th Birthday, Uncle Dean! Thanks for being such a fun loving uncle! I have many special memories of you! I hope you have a memorable birthday!
    With love,

  16. From: Steven D. Corry
    To: Dean Pearson
    First of all Dean, I'm not what you would call a computer whiz kid. Far from it. But if this does happen to reach you I want to congratulate you on reaching the big 80 and to be in such good shape as well. As I review your history it is obvious you have been very successful in all you have undertaken. There are not... many people that reach the milestone you have just reached that can say the same.

  17. What a clever tribute from the Roundys. That even made MY day! You deserve all.


  18. What a beautiful tribute to a very special man. Happy birthday, Dean!
    Ann Jordan

  19. Dear Brother-in-law Dean,
    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I so much enjoyed seeing the wonderful tribute to your life that your family posted on this blog. I so remember when David and I visited your family in Cedar City and David gave horseback rides to your daughters and his going up and down your stairs on his hands and knees with them on his back.
    I remember your letting me take your motorcycle for a spin (many years ago) and how amazed I was at the muscles I needed to keep it up when not moving. I remember watching out the small front window in the entry of our home as Rebecca left the house to go marry you.
    Thanks for taking such good care of her and being such a kind and wise person.
    May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Love, Elizabeth Carlson

  20. Dear Dean

    You have served and helped and been a friend to many people. You have filled your life full of learning, and Holly has certainly appreciated your skills in helping her at her home.

    We have appreciated Holly and love her so much as a daughter-in-law.

    May you have many more years of health and happiness.

    Love (Evan) and Janine Jolley

  21. To a stellar father --- You radiate love, you exemplify patience, you epitomize strength (intellectual, mental,physical, etc.), you demonstrate kindness, and you're the ideal of character. I sure do love you Dad and I hope you're having a splendid 80th birthday weekend! - Kristin

  22. Dear Dean,

    I'd like to add my insignificant but heart-felt wishes to those sent by your illustrious group of international friends. (#10 Downing Street?!!) I'm proud to be able to claim you as family. (Can the docent of the holy but not separate trinity say that? I think not.)

    You have always been the perfect example of a Christlike man; kind, gracious and generous. Plus Nordic. ;)

    May you enjoy at least as many high adventures in the next 80 years as in the past.

    Happy birthday with love, Jan

  23. Dear Dad,

    It is hard to believe that you are 80! I'm slowly catching up. You are my hero and I still look up to your great example. You are a wonderful father and I'm grateful for the traits I've inherited from you. I owe much of my success in life to you (some to Mom as well). Thanks for the many adventures we have shared. I look forward to more adventures in the coming years as I expect you to be around for at least another decade or two. Thanks for being such a good Grandfather as well. Your influence and example will be a great strength to many generations of your ever expanding posterity.
    Love Robert Dean Pearson

  24. Happy Birthday, Dad!
    I am so glad you were born and that I got to be your daughter.
    You have been such a tremendous example to me of all things good.
    There is so much I could write, but to keep it simple…when I
    Read 1 Corinthians 13 about all the characteristics of charity, I think of you on each point:
    “Charity suffereth long, and is kind (You); charity envieth not( You); charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up(You), Doth not behave itself unseemly(You), seeketh not her own(You), is not easily provoked(You), thinketh no evil(You);
    Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth(You);
    Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
    Charity never faileth(You).”
    One fond memory I have is when you stopped on an I-15 northward trek and climbed up a hill to rescue and free a deer that had it’s hind leg caught on a barbed wire fence.
    You always seem to be serving and doing things for others in so many capacities because your talents are so varied. You are super talented and an all around incredible guy. I want to be more like you.
    I love you!
    Love, Suzanne

  25. Happy birthday to my incredible dad!

    Words can't express the amount of love and appreciation I have for you. I'm so blessed to be your daughter. I treasure your example of love, kindness, faith, humility and patience...along with many of your other incredible traits.

    Thank you for all of the guidance and fatherly advice and wisdom that has helped me at every stage of my life.


    Love, Mary Lynne

  26. What we like most about Dad/Grandpa:

    Nelson -- He's a great story reader. I like him.

    Ethan -- He's kind. I like to go to the lodge with him. He reads me stories. He comes to my programs and games. He's nice. He loves me. I love him.

    Janecca -- He built me an awesome desk. He's always happy.

    Kaleb -- He always has an answer.

    Morgan -- He built me a cradle, shelves and a desk. He's awesome.

    Alex -- He's always been a great example for me. He's spent many hours at all my programs, concerts, and games. He's always happy to help me.

    Steve -- He's always been very supportive of our family and all that we do. He's always the first one to help.

    Holly -- He can catch an orchestra school bus that had at least an hour head start, he can change a blown-up car battery in the middle of a school parking lot, he can make or fix almost anything, he can read stories for hours in a row, and a million other things!! Dad - I love you for all that you've done for me and my family, but I love you even more for who you are!!

  27. We (Arlene and Vaughn) are sorry that we are tardy in responding to the announcement of your 80th birthday anniversary celebration. We have had a few complications during the last couple of months, and on the actual day of your celebration, we had a celebration here for our eight year-old grand-daughter. However, life goes on, so a belated greeting from us.

    You have been and still are remarkable. Your achievements are numerous, some even legendary to those who know you best. Above all you have been a great husband and father. The rest of your achievements are just "icing on the cake."

    Thank you for being so friendly and loving to all. You are like Nathaniel of old, a man in whom there is no guile.

    We won't hope for another happy 80 for you, but we will hope and pray for a few more pleasant and productive years.

    Love, Vaughn and Arlene

  28. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a great day. Thanks for having such an awesome daughter so I could have such a great friend!

  29. Happy Birthday, Dean, from your Larsen "brother" Ervin, your friend, your roommate, confidant, neighbor, etc. etc. and from your little sister at BYU - Judy - at least you were my big brother, with lots of guidance and help. We love and appreciate you!!! Ervin and Judy
